Bible Study Series: Psalms-Managing Our Emotions
Bible Study Series: Psalms-Managing Our Emotions
Lesson #7: Where Therapy ad Faith Connect
The dictionary’s definition of emotion is a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body.
Emotions are both complicated and complex, both mysterious and mystifying. Even the experts are not sure what causes us to experience emotions. Both social science and neurobiology have tried, to no avail, to explain the origin of emotions. And for Christians, emotions can be troubling, frustrating, and untrustworthy. Some emotions seem deeply spiritual; other emotions seem downright sinful. God created us to experience emotions, yet there are still godly and ungodly ways to manage them. We will leverage a sampling of the Psalms to help us manage our emotions instead of our emotions getting the best of us.