Bible Study Series: A Psalm For All Seasons-Learnings From The Of Psalms

Dec 7, 2022    Pastor Ellis Ogles III

Theme: A Psalm For All Seasons-Learnings From The Of Psalms

Lesson #1: What Way Are You Going? Part II

Scripture Text: Psalm 1

Series Overview:

There are 150 Psalms in the bible. Many of our favorite scriptures come from the Book of Psalms. But why are the Psalms important? What can we learn from the book of Psalms that will help us live for God in a way that is pleasing to Him? That is what this series is all about! At least three major themes are woven through these 150 psalms:

God and His Rule: Both Psalms and Proverbs were written as Hebrew poetry. Psalms was used in worship, while Proverbs was used in instruction in homes and royal courts. Psalms is all about God, whereas Proverbs focuses more on horizontal relationships between people. Whatever human affairs are included in Psalms are always in the context of people and their relationship to God. Psalms is about the rule of God, His kingdom, law, glory, worthiness, primacy and standards. As the songs of Psalms were sung in worship, the attention of worshipers was constantly directed upward, to Him.Honesty: The songs of Israel are characterized by passion, transparency, vulnerability, and pathos. Whether the psalmist warns against concealing sin (32), begging for forgiveness (51), admitting there is no place to hide from God (139), acknowledging that evil so often seems to prevail (73), or asking God to administer justice to His enemies 55), readers are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace to find mercy and grace in time of need (Heb. 4:16).Worship: The Book of Psalms was Israel’s hymn book. It contained the individual and corporate reasons to praise God within the nation and to declare His glory to the nations. It is no surprise that the entire book concludes with a final psalm that encourages worshipers to praise God in “church” and in all creation, with all manner of musical instruments, for His acts and His greatness (150:6).

Throughout this series we will find that no matter what season of life we find ourselves in, God is still worthy to be praised!