A Message from Pastor Ogles and Lady 'O'

Welcome Back!  It is time to Regather the Church!

We are pleased to announce that on Sunday, October 11, 2020 we will be implementing our Phase 1 In Person Regathering of the church!  The decision to regather was not made lightly.  It was based on much prayer and the reduction of the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations as well as a significant downward trend in the number of people dying from this awful virus.
With that said, we believe now is an appropriate time to begin to regather in person.  October will mark the 7th month that we have been in online only mode.  We know from a biblical standpoint that the number 7 often represents completion.  We believe that now is the time to complete our online only phase and begin to regather in person!

Steps we are taking to provide a safe worship environment

  • The church facility will undergo a complete deep cleaning prior to resuming in person gatherings, the sanctuary and common areas will be regularly sanitized, hand sanitizing stations are installed in various places for convenience, and seating areas will receive extra attention before and after use of facilities.
  • We are directing members and guests who are sick to stay home.  Also, according to the CDC, if you are at higher risk for severe illness, you should avoid large public gatherings.  People at higher risk for severe illness include adults 65 or older and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions.  Please continue to worship online with us!
  • The sanctuary and children’s church (which will be set up for overflow seating) will be set up to insure appropriate physical distancing.
  • We are requiring all members and guests 2 years and older to wear a mask or face covering while on campus.  Mask will be available if needed.
  • We will limit any congregating in the halls or common areas.  Please cooperate with ushers and greeters.  Please refrain from hugging and shaking hands.
  • Posters will be made to reinforce guidelines (masks, physical distancing, washing hands, etc...)

What to expect during our Phase 1 Regathering

  • Wednesday night bible study will stay online & all other gatherings via Zoom (Sunday School, Promise Keepers, meetings, youth etc…)
  • Nursery and children’s church will not resume in Phase 1
  • For those attending in person Sunday Morning Worship, please arrive between 10am-10:20am so that we can seat members and guests in an orderly fashion.  Please wait for ushers to seat you.  Service begins promptly at 10:30am.
  • Households will sit together, please wait for the ushers to seat you and your family.
  • In order to maintain appropriate physical distancing, we will not have a meet and greet during service or at the conclusion of service; ushers will guide each household out in a safe and orderly fashion.
  • Altar call- congregants will stay in place for prayer
  • The Children’s Church room will also be used for overflow for Sunday morning service, viewed via big screen TV.  (When needed)We encourage the use of electronic giving and a self-serve offering container will be available at the entry of the sanctuary
  • Sunday Morning Worship will continue to be available on all of our online platforms.  If you prefer to worship that way, please continue to do so!

Welcome back, we can’t wait to see you!