Bible Study Series: Ephesians: What We Believe & How to Live It

Mar 4, 2021    Elder Mark Brantley    Lesson #6B: Spiritual Warfare

Bible Study Series: Ephesians: What We Believe & How to Live It
Lesson #6B: Spiritual Warfare
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-18
Welcome to our study of the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul, between A.D. 60-63. Doctrine (a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by the Church) occupies the greatest portion of the Book of Ephesians. Half of the teaching in this epistle relates to our standing in Christ, and the remainder of it relates to our application and how we live out our belief in Jesus Christ. Paul’s writing breaks down into three main segments. (1) Chapters one through three introduce principles with respect to God’s accomplishment through Jesus Christ. (2) Chapters four and five put forth principles regarding our present existence as followers of Jesus. (3) Chapter six presents principles concerning our daily struggle to be conformed to the image of Jesus.

The Last Lesson- Tonight’s lesson covers the closing of Paul’s letter. He writes this last portion in light of everything else he has taught and we have learned over the previous weeks(that we are saved by grace, and living in the spirit is our response to the grace he has lovingly extended to us). He now teaches about the Armor of God and how we successfully war in the Spirit.